Cornell Hockey Ticket Sign up

WAIT LIST ONLY... We will take names of alumni interested in a ticket, if more become available.  
No DEPOSIT at this time for WAIT LIST ONLY...BUT, PLEASE COMPLETE the form below to be added to the WAITLIST. 



Cheer the Big Red Hockey at the 2025 Desert Hockey Classic, hosted by ASU

The Cornell Men's Hockey Team will make its first-ever appearance at the Desert Hockey Classic tournament, January 3rd and 4th, 2025, at ASU's Mullett Arena!  Your Cornell Club of Arizona is purchasing a block of tickets so we can cheer the Big Red Team to victory, in the first Cornell game of the two-day tournament!

Come out to recognize Head Coach Mike Schafer ’86, retiring after the 2024-25 season.  Coach Schafer is a legend in the world of college hockey, having been named the Nation's Top Head-Coach, ECAC Top Coach (5x), Top Ivy League Coach (4x), 6 ECAC Team Titles and led Cornell Men's to No. 1 rank in the nation, before the pandemic-shortened 2019-20 season ended (23-4-2).

Reserve your seat in the Cornell Section NOW…

DATE: Friday January 3, 3:00pm - Cornell vs. U. Mass 
 Mullett Arena on the ASU Campus, Tempe AZ

Act Quickly: Only a limited number of seats will be available in the Cornell section for the FRIDAY game -- first come, first served!  In recent years, we sold out within 36-72 hours.

Post Game Gathering for Cornellians: We are also planning for an after-game get together.  We will provide  additional information at a later date to all alumni reserving tickets in the Cornell section, as we get closer to January.

How to get a seat in the BIG RED section:  

ASU has not yet announced ticket prices or indicated when or how many tickets will be available to the general public. We currently anticipate ticket prices to be between $39 and $59, potentially plus processing fees.  To maximize the BIG RED presence at the game, we are proactively building the "Cornell seating section," based on "Reservations," as follows: 

Step 1: Complete the Registration FORM (below).  This will represent your "intent" to purchase one or more "Ticket Reservations." 

Step 2:  Send your $30 DEPOSIT per "Ticket Reservation" for each desired ticket in the BIG RED Section for the FRIDAY, Jan 3rd game. Payments accepted using Zelle or Venmo (details below).

*** NOTE:  Your registration is incomplete without receipt of BOTH your Registration FORM and your DEPOSIT.  Reservations, Wait List and Over-sold reservations will be processed in the order received according to the later date/time for the FORM + DEPOSIT for that request.  

Step 3:  As soon as ASU specifies prices and releases tickets, CCAZ will pre-purchase a block of tickets to ensure we can maximize the BIG RED presence in a contiguous section to support our team. These tickets will then be made available to "Ticket Reservation" holders in the date/time order we receive "completed" reservation requests.  We anticipate this will occur in late September. Be sure to check your email and reply to the invoice promptly in order to get priority seating.  Tickets for which the balance payment is not made within a timely fashion (details below), will be forfeited and offered to the next person in the priority queue.  


Complete Registration FORM.

  • REGISTRATION (Form is at bottom of these instructions)
  • You will receive a confirmation email upon submission of this reservation.   If you don't see the confirmations in your email, please check your Junk or Spam folder.
  • Again, your registration is incomplete without receipt of BOTH your Registration FORM and your DEPOSIT. 

Pay "Ticket Reservation" DEPOSIT:

  • On-line Payments ONLY (sorry, find a friend, if needed).
    • Venmo:  Send to username:   @CCAZ-Treasurer 
    • Zelle:  Send to email address:    INFO@CORNELLCLUBAZ.ORG 

    • For Venmo and Zelle, be sure to specify before submitting:
            a) “non-commercial transaction” (NOT a business transaction or you’ll incur additional fees)
            b) number of tickets being purchased
            c) Alum's name
            d) Alum's eMail
    • You will receive a confirmation of payment from your bank;  a separate payment confirmation from CCAZ will arrive within 2-3 weeks (delayed due to Leadership Team vacations).  If you don't see the confirmations in your email, please check your Junk or Spam folder.
    • Again, your registration is incomplete without receipt of BOTH your Registration FORM and your DEPOSIT. 
    • "Ticket Reservations" will be rewarded in general and overflow added to the "Wait List" in the order of the latter date/time by which BOTH a completed reservation FORM and your DEPOSIT payment are received.


The Fine Print (Transparency Terms):

  • "Ticket Reservation(s)" must be accompanied by both a completed registration form (here) and a payment of $30.00 per seat, to be valid. 

  • "Ticket Reservation(s)" will be recorded in order of later of the date/times for when your registration FORM and your DEPOSIT payment are received.  Initially all "Ticket Reservations" will be on a "Wait List." 

  • Ticket Reservation(s)" are generally non-refundable.

  • Initially, Cornell Alumni / Students may reserve up to 5 tickets, each.  More may be available at a later date; if this is of interest, please let us know. 

  • Please be aware there may be unauthorized sites attempting to sell tickets. 

  • As soon as ASU releases a block of "N" tickets to CCAZ, CCAZ will use the then-collected "Ticket Reservation" deposits plus draw from CCAZ's own cash reserves to "purchase" the block of game tickets. 

  • CCAZ will then invoice the first "N" Ticket Reservation" holders, for the balance due to purchase "Game Tickets."

  • "Ticket Reservation" holders will have 72 hours from time invoices are eMailed to the address you enter below in your Registration, to pay the balance.  If for any reason an invoice is not paid within 72 hours, the "Ticket Reservation" will be forfeited along with the $30 deposit per "Ticket Reservation."  

  • Any unsold "Game Tickets" will be offered per game date, in the order a "Ticket Reservation" appears on the "Wait List" on a "FIFO" basis, allowing 72 hours to pay the invoice balance before forfeiture and the "Ticket Reservation(s)" will be offered to the next holder on the "Wait List." 

  • In the case that CCAZ is unable to offer a "Game Ticket" in exchange for full balance payment, CCAZ will refund those "Ticket Reservation" holders. 

  • Note, there is no guarantee that all "Ticket Reservation(s)" for a single reservation or game will be able to be fulfilled.  

  • The CCAZ BOD reserves the right to make any final decisions in case of uncertainty or disputes.  
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Email *
Please confirm your Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your phone number *
NetID (must be a Cornell Alum; Cornell Parents, please provide first part of student's Cornell eM address)
For the Friday Jan 3 game at 3pm, how many tickets do you want to reserve/purchase?  *
Total Payment for "Reserve Tickets" being made today? *
Please indicate your Cornell academic affiliation(s) *
College Class Year (YYYY) *
Please use four digit format (YYYY)
City in which you live *
By registering, you are agreeing to receiving eMails regarding this and future CCAZ events.   
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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